Abundance, Manifesting, Money, Motivation, Finances

7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help manifest your intentions. Create greater abundance in all areas of your life.

Allow for the Lifting Up and OUT

Allow for the lifting up and out. When we are in a safe space we begin to deeply heal. Part of the process of healing is a lifting up and out of the old wounds. This lifting up and out is very similar to a detox. If you feel like you are releasing emotions or are actually physically sick you are detoxing. So, let it go, it is on its way out, not in.

  • Energetically locate all of the energy that is healing and lifting up and out.
  • Bring in greater awareness of the direction of this energy that is lifting up and out, not in.
  • Locate all vibrations and grids of fear, illness, disease, lack, and victim and lift them up and out.
  • Tones to clear.
  • As you allow for the lifting up and out thoughts and emotions may arise. Perceive their direction and let them go.

Wishing you a gentle release.

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Comments & Discussion

Sally Lee
Beautiful! This is just what I need today. Thank you, Aleya.
November 2nd 2011