Anxiety and Stress

7 min. audio meditation with energetic protocols and sound healing to help release anxiety and stress. Find calm and connection. Move into the present moment and breathe.

Heal Past Incarnations (Kill Point - In Your Moment of Passing)

Use this Cup to help you heal previous incarnations wherein you lost your life by the hand of another. This Cup goes hand in hand with the Past Life Healing TALL Cup session. 

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Invite the Higher Self of you, your body, and Team to go back in time to your de-briefs from all incarnations when you died because of trauma, or at the hand of another.
  • Activate the vibration of those spiritual lessons, retrieve and return fragments, and release and retrieve appropriate responsibilities. 
  • Activate the vibrations of empowerment, discernment, connection, and integrity.
  • Activate appropriate sacred geometric shapes, sounds, color, light, and consciousness in your de-brief to help you activate the vibrations of the spiritual lessons.
  • Ask your guides and advisers to go back in time to assist you in healing your de-briefs.
  • Return the fragments, retrieve the fragments, and move into a more connected, peaceful, balanced way of being.
  • Reflect the healing through the spiral time continuum. Recalibrate all of your contracts, connections, and agreements in all dimensions and realms in a way that supports your greatest happiness, health, and service.
May you heal all previous incarnation (Kill points) in a way that supports your greatest happiness, and empowerment.


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Comments & Discussion

Finally shifted after listening to this meditation for three times. Big one for me...always grateful for you Aleya and the work you do!!
April 16th 2017
Your timing is perfect for the energy of Good Friday! 💜🙏💜
April 14th 2017
THANK YOU FOR ADDRESSING THIS! Hope it helps with the liver toxicity and multiple chemical sensitivities so many of us have.
April 14th 2017
Wonderful. Thank you so much for the feedback. I am touched and inspired.
April 14th 2017
Excellent timing, releasing so much lately. Saw you in a dream last night. Thanks for whatever you did, I don't remember much, lol~!
April 14th 2017
There is a lot of emotion around these kinds of meditations for me. This meditation is helpful! 🙏👍
April 14th 2017
This is is an excellent companion to he last Tall Cup! Very healing! Thanks!
April 14th 2017
April 14th 2017