Body Health, Fatigue, Aging Process

7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help find physical health, reduce stress, boost immunity, vitality, and peace. Meditations for the Body Deva.

Support the Adrenals and Release the Fight or Flight

Use this meditation to support the adrenals and release the fear. The adrenals are little glands that sit on top of the kidneys. The adrenals get stressed when we are in times of change and transformation and when our vibration increases. Use the energy of support to release the fear that is being held in the body and increase a greater sense of support. Assimilate the light in a more gentle and graceful way. When we hold fear or toxic emotions it bottlenecks the light. Increase the trust and move into the flow.

  • Invite your Body Deva to bring in greater grids of support, increase the magnetics, and release the fear.
  • Release the fight or flight.
  • Bring in the vibrations of trust, faith, and inner knowing.
  • Increase the body's connection with Earth and strengthen its root system.
  • Invite and allow the Nature Spirit of your human form to remember its connection and feel the access it has to all of the resources in this world.
  • Invite your body to draw upon these resources.
  • Make a low tone holding space for your body deva to increase its magnetics and grounding grids.
  • As you increase the support the fear dissolves.

May your body feel its connection with Earth and all of the resources that reside there.



Audio Sample


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Comments & Discussion

I will listen to this one daily;thankyou...
December 3rd 2014
How do you do it? This is "exactly' what I needed this morning. To release this feeling of wanting to leave my job or defend myself. To release this feeling that I'm being attacked. This has allowed me to remember that I'm a valued employee and that I have no reason to fear that I've done anything so wrong that they want to get rid of me. Amazing. Thanks.
December 2nd 2014
So soothing, thank you!
December 2nd 2014
Thank you, thank you, thank you
December 2nd 2014
Very good thank you!
December 2nd 2014