Compassion, Love, Self-Love

7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help find compassion, release the judgment, and quiet the critic.

Find the Gem in the Back of the Inner Closet - Mercury Retrograde
Use this lovely, rich Cup to remember an inner gem within you that you have forgotten that can support and inspire...
$3.00 USD
Practicing the Basics
Come back to the basics with this Cup - no matter how evolved you are. Use this Cup to practice the...
$3.00 USD
Shift Your Perception of Self with the Full Moon and Partial Lunar Eclipse
Use this Cup on the Full Moon and partial eclipse which creates an opportunity to open your heart and access a...
$3.00 USD
Use Your Position in the Physical Dimension for Transformation
Move into gratitude for your body with this Cup. You are an etheric being of light. Your body gives you access to...
$3.00 USD
Increase Self-love and Self-worth
This Cup is all about love.  The more love you hold for your inner light the more gentle life will be,...
$1.50 USD
Be Still and Present in Your Heart Center Sound Bath
This Cup is a little bit different ~ it is a sound bath, light language, toning, and energetic protocol to...
$1.50 USD
Light Language Story to Awaken the Heart and Remember Home
This Cup is all about awakening your heart and helping you remember. It is a light language story that helps you...
$1.50 USD
Hold Your Love Vertically
Use this yummy, full Cup to hold love vertically and internally. When you hold your love on YOU, you model that...
$1.50 USD
Clean and Repair Your Energy Fields and Hold Stronger Boundaries
Get clean, clear, and strong with this Cup. One of the most loving things you can do for yourself and for...
$3.00 USD
Body Deva Temple of Wisdom
Use this Cup to hold space for your body to receive and embody its own wisdom more.  Invite your body to...
$3.00 USD
Heal and Balance the Heart
This Cup will help to calm, balance, and heal your heart and heart chakra. Use this Cup any time your heart feels...
$3.00 USD
Shift your Sense of Self As You Connect with the Sun
Be radiant, beautiful, and glorious!A triple-shot to help with the inner shifts that get activated by the Sun's activity. The first...
$3.00 USD
Get Connection Between the Breaths
Breathe... When you slow down and take a deep breath you then ground and center. Use this supportive Cup to find the place...
$3.00 USD
Increase Support and Protection
This double shot is all about protection, boundaries, and shields. Recalibrate your shields of protection. This first Cup is all about father...
$3.00 USD
Reference Your Sense of Success On What You Value
When the veils are thinning you may feel yourself pondering... "Am I successful? Explore the idea that your sense of success...
$3.00 USD
Use Dreamtime to Heal, Reconnect, and Remember Your Essence
This Cup is a bedtime cup. Listen right before bed or when you are in bed about to fall asleep. This cup...
$3.00 USD
You Are A Beam of Light - Recalibrate your Sense of Self
Use this cup to reconnect with who you "really" are. You are a beam of light. The longer you are here in...
$3.00 USD
Retrieve Your Sexual Creative Power
Use the energy of the filling Moon to move into greater inner power by retrieving all of your sexual creative...
$3.00 USD
Protocol to Remember Your Perfection & Light Language Activation
Use today's cup to remember your perfection. Reference yourself internally in direct connection with the light that flows within you. This process...
$3.00 USD
Anchor Deep Into Your Wisdom - Grounded, Clear, Calm
Use this favorite cup to drop deep in and connect with your inner wisdom. You have a vibrational fabric of wisdom...
$3.00 USD
Self Love Hug Day
Use this cup to reorient by giving yourself an inner love hug. This is a simple practice to help you increase...
$3.00 USD
Release Self-Doubt Hold Your Reference Points In Your Line
Between now and Summer Solstice there is an energetic aspect of you that is doing a deep release. Use today's cup...
$3.00 USD
Gracious, Calm, Open Heart
Right before a big energetic shift (tomorrow is Solstice) anxiety and stress can peak. Use today's Cup to move into the...
$3.00 USD
Lighten the Heart
The energy that is streaming onto the planet is shifting the vibration in your heart center. If you feel a little...
$3.00 USD