Creativity and Passion

Energetic protocols to help you increase your creativity, inspiration, and passion.

Align Your Creative Energy with Your New Moon Intentions

Happy New Moon!

This lunar cycle is all about embracing and expressing your creativity and passion. Use today's first cup to retrieve your creative current and align them with your new Moon intentions. Use the energy of a new lunar cycle to ponder your intentions for the next cycle. As you retrieve your creative current you will have more energy, passion, and motivation.

  • Take a moment to ponder your new Moon intentions.
  • What do you wish to manifest, release, activate, or manifest in this lunar cycle?
  • Locate and retrieve all of your creative threads/ streams/ currents.
  • Clean and recalibrate your creative energy.
  • Clear all supression off the creative flow of you, your body, and Team.
  • Tones to assist this work in the higher realms.
  • Infuse your creative energy into the grids that hold your new Moon intentions.
May your creative current support the manifestation of your new Moon intentions.


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