Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

123. Slow and Steady to Higher Ground TALL Cup [06/18/2018]

Slow and Steady to Higher Ground TALL Cup

Very potent and supportive for the body and manifesting.

This session was a little shorter but filled with some power potent gems.


  • Sit in council with your guides and advisors to determine the energetic speed that is appropriate for your level of expression. Determine individually for soul rider, body deva and teams.
  • Release ancestral ways of moving in the world that are not yours.
  • Victim/Victimizer: lack, attack, abandonment, lack of safety, anger patterns surfacing in the consciousness. Held in heart and third chakra. Bring in an empowered grid to remove this victim grid and do this layer by layer.
  •  New sound in crystalline structures within and around the solar plexus to hold a more connected way of being.
  • Major changes stimulate fear of lack of resources. Calibrate crystalline structures for an empowered connected change in a higher dimensional change.
  • Bring attachment off lower dimensional realms and up into higher dimensional realms that support your greatest happiness. Fear of change separates our perception from higher dimensional reality.
  • Body deva higher self: locate the dimension where it is holding its resources and attachments that are not appropriate. Locate a higher dimension where you have the capacity to manifest your desires and then reflect that in physical. Let go of how the soul rider does it.
  • Body deva calibrate your speed for the dimension where you belong.
  • Body deva retrieve responsibility for being seen, acknowledged, supported by soul riders and other body devas. Hold responsibility at the level of its higher self.
  • Soul rider encourage body deva to take responsibility for validating itself.
  • Soul rider, Body deva, and Teams see your unique essence. Opens ability to receive.
  • Body deva remember your unique connection to the fabric of earth.
  • Ponder what you are wanting to shift and rework at this time.
  • Higher self, body deva’s higher self, and teams recognize the old framework that is releasing. Let it go.
  • You, body and team reweave your grids with the new aspects and frameworks.
  • Invite guides to reweave their frameworks with the new energy.
  • Grids of light are reweaving around your divine lines.
  • Struggle can help us get stronger, but there are better ways. Struggle is depleting.
  • Use higher self, body deva’s higher self and teams to locate all struggle mechanisms used to attain greater strength. Release that programming off all levels. Activate strength in your divine cosmic loop.
  • Release responsibility for transforming the struggle of others.
  • Retrieve all your unique ways of thriving and stay on your divine cosmic loop.



It has 15 layers, which means you can listen 15 times if you wish, or just once. Your desires and intuition are your best guide. Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing. Allow for integration in dream time. 

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Comments & Discussion

Thank You Much!
June 28th 2018
Felt as though this was made specifically for me. Has helped immensely!
June 28th 2018