Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

149. Powerful Awakening and Clearing TALL Cup [12/16/2019]

This Session Covers...

  • The angelic realm is close, and sending you energetic information. But your ears may be closed or blocked.
  • Electronics (EMFs) dominate the energy of the planet. This disturbs the ears and blows out the energetic ears. Very disorienting.
  • Allow energetic aspects of you to locate the damaged crystalline structures and repair them. Repair the links and crystalline structures in the ears, heart and kidneys energetically.
  • Then align and harmonize these structures.
  • Hold the energetic downloads in the appropriate dimensions where they can be processed.
  • You, soul rider, have a profound desire to connect with your spiritual family on the other side. Use this protocol to connect with your spiritual family. Ask them to model stability and support in your life for you to be empathically impacted.
  • As you move into an awakened state in your home dimension you will reflect that state into this realm.
  • Teams recognize the positive qualities in all the team members to create stronger bonds.
  • Invite teams to witness the positive qualities of you, soul rider, and body deva
  • Feel the rhythm and flow of the nature kingdom. Witness the calm clear dimension of Earth where all is in divine flow and link into it.
  • Calibrate the body to the sounds of winter.
  • Soul rider and nature spirit sit in council and explore possibility that you, soul rider, have put issues on your body deva. The body tries to process your emotions, but doesn’t do it well.
  • Discern the places where the body is holding energy not its own and lift that energy off the body and the etheric blueprint of the body. Hold this energy where it can be processed appropriately. Send the energy back to its right and perfect place.
  • Body deva lighten your load.
  • Process emotions in the emotional fields.
  • 80% of the challenges we hold do NOT belong to us. Send energies back to their right and perfect place as a daily practice.
  • Feel into the energetic way of being to cultivate greater worth by taking on responsibility, issues and energy that is not yours. Identify these reference points and send them to their right and perfect place.
  • Reference your self-worth in your divine line and the light that flows within you.
  • Return responsibility for the integrity of others back to them along with their karma
  • Clean and clear your integrity grids and wrap them around you for protection. Body and teams same.
This session is supportive, empowering, and has 12 layers, which means you can listen 12 times if you wish, or just once. Your desires and intuition are your best guide. Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing. Allow for integration in dream time.


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