Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

27. Full Steam Ahead TALL Cup [12/21/2012]

Full Steam Ahead TALL Cups of Consciousness session.

A very deep session that has 17 layers and can take up to 6 weeks to integrate!


This session releases the roots of fear and increases support from a consciousness of trust. Move forward without the limitations.


Energetic protocols in the session are:

  • Release the grid of fear off the tailbone.
  • Weave a high vibrational blueprint of love, support, and trust in and around the tailbone.
  • Release negative karma as a way of growing and evolving.
  • Receive a higher vibrational bundle from the heart of Earth to support your body in it's evolution.
  • Tap into the appropriate layer of light in the higher vibrational stream of light in order to manifest your intentions. (Kind of like being on the same Rail Road track as your desires.)
  • Open and allow the angelic realm to assist you in your manifestation intentions.
  • Use the high light quotient to release old patterns.
  • Bring in a healing hologram around the third eye to release the self critique.
You can listen to this session as many times as you wish. 
There are many layers. Allow for integration in dream time.
Audio Sample