Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

38. Release to Receive TALL Cup [08/12/2013]

This session helps you release so that you can surrender to receive. 

Major support components in this one.

Release the anger, increase support, open to receive, increase the flow and trust, use your tools, slow down and clear the digestive pressure, increase balance.

Navigate away from left brain into heart brain. Experiencing vulnerability which triggers anxiety and fear in support areas.

  • Release deep anger, frustration, clumsiness and body pain coming to surface along with digestive imbalance.
  • Heal all moments you ever played victim or victimizer in any dimension
  • Release cranial pressure and blocking of the flow.
  • Access trust templates held in the heart chakra.
  • Lift support grids off the physical and external and place them in the higher realms where infinite support already exists
  • Access your unique toolbox that contains every tool you need to flow with this expansion and evolutionary leap
  • Allow BD to slow down and bring in evolutionary changes one step a time so you experience a more gentle transition
  • Create energetic balance by accessing the blueprints for your greatest happiness and allow an alignment between your HS, BDHS and team to take place
  • Ask angelic realm to encircle you to hold their balance points and model energy to you so you maintain balance during transformation.

Allow for integration in dreamtime and in the higher realms.

Allow three weeks to integrate / digest this session.

You can listen to it 7 times if you feel called.


Feedback from the session

Audio Sample