Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

42. Light Radar TALL Cup [10/26/2013]

A great session to release the blocks, fears, and limitations.

Help your body hold a higher vibration and release the pain.

Heal the past and move forward in an empowering and joyful way.

  • Use the radar light to locate blocks, fear, and unhealed energies.
  • Invite your Higher Self to repair and heal these areas, and use the pure white light to dissolve the limitations as well.
  • Release the ancestral limitations off the back of the neck and solar plexus.
  • Invite the Body Deva to bring all of its loyalty and alignment back to its own divine line.
  • Send all power back to its right and perfect place.
  • Invite the body deva to recalibrate the ways in which it grounds. (Good for the back, legs, and knees.)
  • Hold you awareness in the appropriate dimensional realm.

There are 11 layers in this session. Which means you can listen 11 times if you wish. 

Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing.

Audio Sample