Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

43. Protection, Clarity, & Divine Direction TALL Cup [11/18/2013]

Increase Protection, Clarity and Direction

A powerful release, detox, clearing session.

This session hits the core, unravels the solar plexus of all the stress, and bring in huge layers of protection. Half of the session happens during listening and the other half happens in dream time.

This Session...

  • Bring your power back in, and calibrate it for capacity to use it right now at the level of consciousness you presently hold.
  • Locate all crystalline structures within and around the third chakra, the adrenals, the kidneys and the bladder and invite HS, BDHS and T to repair these crystalline structures. Clear stress and frustration up and out of fields.
  • Receive huge expansion coming in from the Sun by expanding your magnetics. We will feel safer, more protected, more supported. Fear of lack gently releases.
  • Receive codes, templates, filters to be more grounded and use the energy from the Sun to increase the magnetics for manifesting the BD desires: lover, greater finances, comfortable home. 
  • Invite your Team to remember their agreement to buffer energy, support you and model right energy to you and to remember their essence.
  • Release all negative karma, return all fragments back to perfect place, bring in vibration that has capacity to support you at higher vibrational level.
  • Go back in time prior to arrival in this world to check in the highest vibrational dimensional possibility the appropriate course of action for you at this time that serves from empowerment, joy, connection, vitality, fully engaged in your mastery.
  • Connect into the dimensional possibilities from before you came in, as you locate that highest potential path that is appropriate, serves and supports you.
  • Receive gratitude from angelic realm. When we allow HS to receive gratitude the gratitude acts as a rich supporter with abundant resources to move forward and manifest intentions in all appropriate realms.
  • It is very important for us to have safety and feel protection and support for us to move forward to engage our passion and will.
  • Invite THS to work with fields and guides to connect with Sun to cast their own energetic web to pull their power back to them, empowers them to model right energy and buffer you and be supported themselves.
  • Invite HS, BDHS, T and to locate and release anger, impatience, frustration as mechanism to retrieve power.
  • Locate the vibration of what your soul, BD and T wish to manifest for themselves in any dimension and activate in your divine line. Focus on pure vibration allowing that vibration (freedom, happiness, connection, joy, empowerment) to manifest in appropriate dimensions (including physical realm).
This session has a release/detox a few hours later... allow for the release and let it lift up and out. LISTEN right before bed!!!! not at the beginning of the day.

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Comments & Discussion

ishantara BECKY
...evidently timeless!
February 21st 2015
ishantara BECKY
P O W E R F U L L !! It is 2/21/15.... this TC evidently is tihow many layers/times to listen?
February 21st 2015