Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

71. Web of Resources and Discernment TALL Cup [06/29/2015]

This session is about increasing discernment, resources, support, and protection.

A powerful, supportive, clarifying, energizing session.
  • Clean and clear your discernment mechanisms and release influences from your ancestors and mass consciousness.
  • Bring in new discernment mechanisms that are aligned with your essence
  • Invite your Team to update their resources so they are able to provide higher vibrational support and modeling to you.
  • Bring all your energy, focus and creativity onto your own path and send all responsibility for others back to its right and perfect place.
  • Recalibrate your third eye for compassion, love, gentleness, grace and trust
  • Remind your Body Deva of its access to all the resources required to support your soul’s essence and alignment with your greatest happiness.
  • Increase the unique grounding mechanisms on all levels to support your growth and evolution.
  • Connect your soul essence, body deva and Team to the divine cosmic loop of your unique expression.

There are 7 layers in this session. Which means you can listen 7 times if you wish. Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing. Allow for integration in dream time.

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Comments & Discussion

Thank you for yet another perfect Tall Cup session...exactly what I needed to hear...look forward to repeating from a deeper place each time...appreciating the word ACTUALIZE very much rich now...ties in to right where I am and supports my forward motion...thank you so much:)
July 6th 2015
This Tall Cup is totally AMAZING ... No kidding it has 12 layers in it ahahhaaha xxxx
July 6th 2015
This Tall Cup is an absolutely delightful and joyful experience for myself, my Body Deva and Team. We all just felt so happy while tuning into it....
July 1st 2015
I truly felt a shift and release from the fear and tension of trying to accomplish a goal and was able to let go of the outcome. Amazing. Thanks Aleya
June 30th 2015