Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

84. Power Transformation Makeover TALL Cup [03/26/2016]

Make the changes you intend. Head in the direction your desire. Release the struggle. Find the flow, freedom, and support.
  • Connect with your entire grid matrix of your self, body deva’s higher self, and team, and align these grids to connect with your essence and express your highest potential in this world.
  • Release any conflicts between the highest intentions of you, your body and team and collaborate for the highest expression and actualization of your essences
  • Untangle magnetic grids where there is fusion or confusion so your grids flow freely
  • Invite your body deva to clean its roots that are not its essence so the roots hold all the wisdom, mastery, strength and power
  • Invite your higher self, body deva’s higher self and team to locate and return any power fragments back to their right and perfect place so that you are only holding your own power for you.
  • Invite your Team to return all ancestral karma and issues back to the right and perfect place, and only connect with your own wisdom, essence and mastery.
  • Use your divine line to travel to the heart of Source to your divine spark, locate your power in connection and love, divine empowerment, then reflect this divine power down to you here in this dimension
  • At the divine spark level lift all desires off the external world and be attached to awakening to the light of your essence at the divine spark level and then reflect that light down to you in all dimensions where you are expressing yourself
  • Activate your mastery at the divine spark level to provide the greatest support and protection which creates coherence in your field and reflect this coherence through the entire divine cosmic loop
  • Release attachments to the world and others to be different and activate those qualities you seek to see outside yourself in your own divine line.
  • Release old painful methods of awakening with their associated grids and awaken by embodying your essence qualities from your divine spark in your divine line.

There are 7 layers in this session. Which means you can listen 7 times if you wish. Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing. Allow for integration in dream time.

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Divine Spark & Sole Mastery - really sunk in tonight. 3 weeks later. Powerful cup!! t/y
April 13th 2016