Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

93. Relax in Grace and Ease TALL Cup [10/03/2016]

Supportive, Empowering, Inspiring, Increase Protection, and Clarity TALL Cup

  • Bring in more evolved protection mechanisms that come from your unique essence
  • Use your higher self, body deva’s higher self and team to lift all your energy off the old grid and link into the enlightened grids that are coming in at this time. Your higher self and team will use the grids they have access to on the other side. Your body deva will link into enlightened nature kingdom grids that Earth is weaving in the higher planes.
  • Reflect this higher vibrational way of being to reflect to you in this realm
  • Invite your body deva’s higher self to reference the old awakening mechanism: pain, disease, lack, scarcity, fear, judgment, self-critic and let them go. Use the new efficient, balanced enlightened mechanisms. Soul rider and Team release discordant awakening mechanisms and connect to the vibration of your own light flowing in your own divine line to awaken.
  • Energetically locate the highest potential of you, your body and team 3-5 years from now. Call that aspect of you from the future to send the information to you in this present breath of now about how to orient and move forward in that direction
  • Invite your angelic helpers, guides and advisors to encircle you at the levels of your higher self, body deva’s higher self, and team and to cultivate and activate even higher vibrations of support, clarity, empowerment, connection, discernment, gentleness, willingness, perseverance and positively empathically impact your journey and send you the energetic information, modeling it for you
  • Use your higher self to locate any beings you have known from before that are waiting for your help and invite these higher beings to be received in spiritual healing rooms to activate the vibrations of their spiritual lessons in their divine cosmic loops and to embody the vibrations in their divine lines that they want to embody as souls
  • Return any responsibility you are holding for the evolution of any other being, and send them any energetic information they need that you have
  • Invite any beings you are feeling to cultivate a deeper level of connection to their essence, with greater self-love and peace.
  • Use your higher self, body deva’s higher self and team to complete the process of allowing the old grid to lift up and off your consciousness grids, and also up and off your body and team. Then focus your consciousness on the sweet and tender grids that are coming in. Calibrate your energetic awareness to the light that is coming onto the planet in a joyful way. Invite your guides to focus their attention on the new gentle and joyful energetic grids coming in and model this to you.
  • Invite your higher self, body deva’s higher self and team to calibrate your grids for an internal, vertical, relaxed, calm, pure, clean current in your divine cosmic loop. Then you easily link into the new grid coming onto the planet. Release the struggle. Keep turning your awareness internally and allow your needs to be met internally through the divine cosmic loops of you, your body and team.
This has 13 layers, which means you can listen 13 times if you wish, or just once. Your desires and intuition are your best guide. Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing. Allow for integration in dream time.

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Comments & Discussion

So beautiful, what a release of the struggle ....thank you so much Aleya !
October 4th 2016
This one is really soothing and deep! I feel just lovely after this Tall Cup!
October 4th 2016
Before this session, I was on wobbly ground, feeling weepy and fragile. Afterwards, I feel solid and grounded. Tangible love and support! Amazing. Thank you so much Aleya.
October 4th 2016
I experienced such a DEEP, SOFT, PEACEFUL LOVE afterwards. Support, safety, love beyond the mind. Aleya... thank you
October 3rd 2016