Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

98. Winds of Change TALL Cup [01/09/2017]

This session is fresh, light, and inspiring.

  • Locate the scrubbed material floating in your consciousness from the past year and allow your higher self, body deva’s higher self and team to release this to the heart of source (the Sun) with the help of your guides.
  • Invite your body deva’s higher self to release the perception of separation grid up and off the pineal gland. Then use your body deva’s higher self to work with the heart of Gaia to bring in a new grid of connection.
  • Use your body deva’s higher self to reconnect to the enlightened and connected nature kingdom grid with its endocrine gland grid.
  • Use your body deva’s higher self to clear the disconnection posturing grid off the back of the heart, the sphenoid bone, back of the thymus, off the space between the pericardium and the heart.
  • Clear sounds of disconnection up and off the ears. Use your body deva’s higher self to calibrate your ears to bring in the sounds of connection, which are everywhere.
  • Energetically connect with the consciousness of Gaia through your higher self, body deva’s higher self and team.
  • Create a reality for yourself in the higher plane being created by Gaia.
  • Use your higher self, body deva’s higher self to pull out of any dark lower realms you may still be connected to. Dark realms collapse when there is no activation there.
  • Use your higher self, body deva’s higher self and team’s higher selves to locate the sustainable higher dimensions that are supportive for your evolution and link into those grids that match your level of mastery, passion, and consciousness.
  • Use your higher self, body deva’s higher self, and team’s higher selves to locate your desires and embrace them in these sustainable and supportive higher realms.
  • Locate all moments of being crushed with your higher self, body deva’s higher self, and team and activate the vibration of the spiritual lessons to increase your wisdom and mastery. Reflect that healing through the spiral time continuum.
  • Use your higher self and body deva’s higher self to repair the crystalline structures in and around the heart to remain in conscious connection with Earth and the higher realms of consciousness Earth is creating. Receive the lightness and freedom of these higher realms.
  • Allow yourself to move out of your comfort zone and do things from the dimension of connection and freedom that is safe and supportive. Expand your creative energies there. Release loss, trauma, drama, pain and suffering as a mechanism for growth.
  • Take responsibility for all aspects you are determined to master vibrationally and lift that responsibility off all aspects of your external world. Activate those vibrations in your divine cosmic loop and at the level of your divine cosmic spark.

This session has 33 layers, which means you can listen 33 times if you wish, or just once. Your desires and intuition are your best guide. Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing. Allow for integration in dream time. 


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Comments & Discussion

such an exceptional tall cup!!! so rich!!! spoke directly to me. thank you sooooo much
January 10th 2017
I stayed awake for the entire session! Wonderful!
January 9th 2017