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Empathic Sensitivity
7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help balance clear empathic sensitivity, judgment, stress, and increase personal responsibility.
Return bundles of challenges to those on the other side or those who are about to go over to the other side
This Cup is an energetic protocol to help you return bundles that your ancestors or those on the other side...
$3.00 USD
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Tend To Your Own Path
This Cup is to help you tend to your own path. When you energetically tend to your own path you embody...
$3.00 USD
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Practicing the Basics
Come back to the basics with this Cup - no matter how evolved you are. Use this Cup to practice the...
$3.00 USD
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Sit in Your Power - Clean and Strengthen the Base Chakra
Use this deep, potent Cup to sit in your power. The more you retrieve and embrace your power the more supported...
$3.00 USD
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Third Eye, Base Chakra, Protected Stance
Use this Cup to protect your third eye, get centered, grounded, and calm...Hold your awareness in harmonic realms and, stay...
$3.00 USD
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Unplug from Discordant Dimensions - Mass Consciousness and Link Into Harmonic Dimensions
Unplug from discordant grids and mass consciousness with this Cup. Take time to connect with harmonic grids and a consciousness that...
$3.00 USD
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Amplify Safety Inside
Use this potent Cup to amplify the safety within. The more safety you hold inside the calmer you will be in...
$1.50 USD
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Release Your Parents' Pain and Challenges
Release any parental bundles and challenges with this Cup. This Cup is perfect to use during the holidays which can often...
$1.50 USD
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Let Go of the Grip or the Bracing and Move Into The Flow of the Now
Use this Cup to move into the breath of now... let go of the grip or the bracing of what...
$1.50 USD
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Empowered Conscious Empathic Dreaming
Use this Cup to help you use your dreamtime to hold a more empowered stance as you dream and work...
$3.00 USD
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Clean and Repair Your Energy Fields and Hold Stronger Boundaries
Get clean, clear, and strong with this Cup. One of the most loving things you can do for yourself and for...
$3.00 USD
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Find Freedom Internally
Use this Cup to find more freedom inside yourself. When you find your freedom internally you are then able to perceive...
$3.00 USD
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Recalibrate and Clean Your Roots
Use this Cup to clean your roots and reweave them for a more supported way of being. (When I recorded this...
$3.00 USD
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Increase Self Awareness By Holding Your Anchors and Reference Points Internally
Use today's cup to increase self awareness by holding more of your anchors and reference points internally. When you hold more...
$3.00 USD
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Heal and Balance the Heart
This Cup will help to calm, balance, and heal your heart and heart chakra. Use this Cup any time your heart feels...
$3.00 USD
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Hold a Gracious Heart Energy with Everyone in Your Life
Use this Cup to shift how you hold yourself in your heart center with everyone in your life, especially those...
$3.00 USD
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Increase Personal Responsibility, Boundaries, and Empowerment
This Cup is from the early days - 2010 - and is perfect to help increase personal responsibility, boundaries, and...
$3.00 USD
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Increase Inner Peace, Inner Attachment, and Control
Use this Cup to let peace blossom within.This Cup is a simple yet deep protocol to help you move into...
$3.00 USD
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Cleanse and Purify for Clarity and Inner Transformation
Energetic cleaning is 70% of spiritual work. Use this simple, potent Cup to help you get clean and clear. Clean and clear...
$3.00 USD
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Return Challenges the Belong to Others Who Are Now On the Other Side
Happy Halloween. Also known as Hallows Eve. Which was originally celebrated by the Pagan religion honoring the day when the veils...
$3.00 USD
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Protect Body From EMF Balance and Reset
If your body or head has been feeling tight or buzzy lately... It could be from solar flares, or too much...
$3.00 USD
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Increase Inner Alignment By Aligning and Cleaning Your Tunnel of Light
Yesterday you cleaned and expanded your base chakra. Today clean your tunnel of light that inserts at the back of your...
$3.00 USD
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Use the Sounds of the Whales and Dolphines to Clean A Space and Objects
Use this double-shot and the etheric sounds of the whales and dolphins to cleanse all of the objects and spaces...
$3.00 USD
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Steps to Create Strong Protection, Shields, Boundaries
This cup is from the Saturday coaching session that I did last week. It is such a gem I had to...
$3.00 USD
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