Use today's fresh cup (recorded yesterday) to retrieve energy from the past.
After the TALL Cup on Monday, you might have had dreams or thoughts about old relationships.
During Mercury Retrograde, you are unconsciously scanning the past for any unresolved energy.
Hold space for a healing and a retrieval of all tendrils you are holding in the past.
How does today's cup feel?
It was inspired by the TALL Cup on Monday.
- Hold your awareness in this present breath of now.
- Invite your energetic self to scan for any tendrils of your energy that you are still holding in the past where there is an unhealed current.
- Hold space for the scan.
- Light language chant to help you locate all tendrils held in the past.
- Send appropriate energetic information.
- Retrieve and return responsibilities appropriately.
- Return and retrieve fragments appropriately.
- Activate a more harmonic vibration in your divine cosmic loop in the past.
- Hold space for a healing to happen in the past.
- Retrieve all of your tendrils, energy, power, creative current, magic, passion, motivation, sweetness, and your light.
- Healing and retrieving in a whole and healed state.
- Reweaving your fabric around you.
- Retrieve your tendrils, anchors, life force, and creative current back on you.
Retrieve all of your tendrils out of the past in a whole and healed state.
Thank You