Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Breathe Into Stillness

Move into stillness with this Cup to allow for a deep pause and a reset. Find the stillness and calm, breathe into stillness, and reset. This Cup is a bit different and requires more inner stillness. I recommend listening in silence with eyes closed and not behind the wheel. 

  • Close your eyes and imagine looking at your crown.
  • Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth.
  • Breathe in through the nose.
  • With your exhale breathe out the mouth making the sound of the "fire breath."
  • Breathe in holding your awareness on your crown.
  • Imagine light streaming in through the top of your head as you inhale.
  • With your exhale imagine breathing that light down through the core of your body into the heart of Earth.
  • Ground the light through your core.
  • We invite your Higher Self and your Body Deva's Higher Self and your Team to gently quiet and calm the energy of the mind.
  • Come into the simple cycle of the divine.
  • Energetically calibrate your ears for the sound of your essence.
  • Hold your awareness on your divine line, the river of light that flows down the front of your spine.
  • Continue your conscious breath until you feel the river of light within you.
  • Increase your base chakra and ground the light that comes in.
  • Sit in this breath of stillness as long as you desire.
May you hold peace and calm as you pause and deeply reset yourself.
Audio Sample


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Comments & Discussion

I loved the toning from those few years ago.....always soothing!
January 18th 2018