Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Manifest Using the Body Deva

Manifest using the Body Deva Nature Spirit.

Get clear about your intentions and ask your body, which is part of the Nature Kingdom, to help you manifest your intentions. We create resources for ourselves by working with the Nature Kingdom. When we ask our body for resources it is like standing in front of the right microphone.

  • Get clear on your intentions of what you want to manifest in the physical dimension.
  • We call forth your body deva, the Nature Spirit of your body. You are in a physical human form which is part of the Nature Kingdom.
  • Ask you body to work with the Nature Kingdom to co-create the manifestation of your intentions in the physical realm.
  • Send your request and let it go.
  • Trust and know that your request has been heard. Imagine the entire Nature Kingdom conspiring to support your body and you.
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The Early Years
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