Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Reset Your Energy In the Stillness

Press the Reset button.  Use this Cup to reset.  Sit in stillness as much as possible and allow for the complete release of the old. Use the Reset button to let go of old paradigms that no longer serve.

  • Invite the angelic realm to surround you and hold the vibration of stillness.
  • Pull yourself into your divine line and move into stillness so that you can reset your energy. Only in stillness can we do the full reboot.
  • Activate the sacred shape of stillness around you.
  • Let go of your outer world for just a few minutes and focus on your inner light.
  • Invite the Higher Self of you, your body, and Team to locate, activate, and embrace your highest vibrational blueprints for your life, behaviors, thoughts, emotions, and consciousness.
  • Light language reboot chant.
  • Align your thoughts, emotions, behaviors, and actions with your Soul's greatest intentions.
  • Release the grids and blueprints that do not serve you.
  • Invite the angelic realm to work with you and help you integrate, embrace, and navigate this higher vibrational blueprint.
Audio Sample


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Comments & Discussion

February 19th 2021
February 18th 2021
Jane R
Gently...easily shifted to calm & quiet inside...felt held and supported...
February 18th 2021
Perfect! Exactly what I needed, thank you! Loved the light language, so beautiful, soothing and centering. πŸ™πŸΌπŸ’—
February 18th 2021
This meditation feels soothing and refreshing
February 18th 2021