Mass Consciousness

7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help release the stress of mass consciousness. Increase your own divine connection.

Release the Fear of Illness

When energy gets swirly-whirly, issues rise to the surface and can get triggered. The physical body is affected by this intensity and the acceleration of energy. We can often work our issues out on the body i.e. illness or fear of illness.  Instead of doing that, lift your issues off your body and evolve in your core intentionally. There is a ton of fear around physical illness.  

  • Take a few deep breaths into your belly and think of your greatest fear you have with your health.
  • We use illness as a mechanism to grow and evolve. Use a different tool.
  • Use the tool of health and love.
  • Allow the fear or situation to come into your conscious awareness.
  • Invite your body to locate the fear or issue that it is holding and send this energy/issue back to your Higher Self.
  • Lift your issues off your body and work on them at the level of your Higher Self.
  • Model love to your body.
  • Bring in the energetic information that enables you to work on these pieces at the level of your Higher Self.
  • Invite the Body Deva's higher self to bring in the grids for self love. Release all toxicity from loving another from a place of obligation.
  • Invite your Body to bring in its own grids for health (a constant reminder).

May health reign.


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