Tool Box Tools and The Basics

7 minute audio meditations that are great daily reminders to help you stay clean, clear, and calm. Basic meditations to give you a foundation for spiritual growth and transformation.

Body Healing and Release

Body healing. Use this first Cup to help you hold space and your body to release old patterns and accesses more evolved ways of being.

  • Bring all of the body's anchors back to its divine line that runs through the spine.
  • Invite your body to connect with its own essence and wisdom.
  • Bring all loyalty back to the divine line of the bodies divine line.
  • Allow your body to release and clear all ancestral issues.
  • Release all issues that your Body is carrying for you.
  • Bring the body's gifts back to itself.
  • Tones to assist the body as it heals, and comes back into alignment with its loyalty to itself.
  • Invite your body to send all issues that it is carrying for you back to you at the level of your Higher Self.

May you release that which no longer serves with ease and grace.



Audio Sample


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Comments & Discussion

These were so helpful and relevant. Thank u Aleya 💝
November 17th 2019