Tool Box Tools and The Basics

7 minute audio meditations that are great daily reminders to help you stay clean, clear, and calm. Basic meditations to give you a foundation for spiritual growth and transformation.

Manifesting Power Pack Meditation

This Cup is a Manifesting Power Pack meditation. Prior to a Full Moon is a perfect, potent time to roll up your manifesting mojo sleeves. Shift your resources. Tap in and increase the flow. Use this meditation to increase the ability to receive. Think of it as your power pack energetic ATM machine. I have included all of the energetic manifesting protocols in one meditation. It is fast paced and potent so do use caution and do not listen to this while driving.

  • Bring all your reference points for resources to come back onto your divine line for you your body deva and your Team.
  • Bring your awareness to your divine line that flow just in front of your spine.
  • Locate the abundance in that divine line.
  • Activate the abundance within the body deva's divine line.
  • Reflect that energy out.
  • Increase your magnetics.
  • Clear all blocks off the lower chakra centers.
  • Lift your issues of lack off your finances.
  • Call forth you from the future in an abundant state to relay to consciousness of abundance to you in the breathe of now.
  • Open your channels for receiving vertically.
  • Increase your inner support and reflect that out into the world.
  • Unplug from the mass consciousness of lack.

May a beautiful abundant wave flow within and around you.

Audio Sample


The Early Years
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Comments & Discussion

Thank you, Aleya. It is so easy sometimes to forget that I we get plugged into the mass consciousness and then forget how to un plug.
June 13th 2019
Wonderful thank you 🙏🏻
June 13th 2019
Omg!!!! I just love when ya u kid in all the tones and light feels like I am balancing from the inside out! Thank you!
June 13th 2019