Abundance, Manifesting, Money, Motivation, Finances

7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help manifest your intentions. Create greater abundance in all areas of your life.

Calibrate Your Magnetics to Your Highest Dreams

After a tremendous amount of activity we experience what is called a still point. This still point is a time to integrate all of the inner shifts and changes. An inner opening occurs and we can open to receive a higher vibration and dream. Use this Cup to calibrate your magnetics and grounding grids with the vibration of your highest dimensional dream that already exists in the higher realms. Use the vibration of hope to open your channels for receiving.

  • Energetically locate the vibration of you highest vibrational dream.
  • Bring in the vibration of hope to open your channels for receiving.
  • Activate the vibration of hope within all of your receptors.

May you surrender to the yummy still point.


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Comments & Discussion

Thank you so much for the feedback. I love it. Also feel free to share what you are experiencing in the world and requests for daily cups. Aleya
August 8th 2012
I LOVE this one...thank you Dearest Aleya!! xoxo
August 8th 2012
Thank you.
August 8th 2012
This meditation can really help release the jaded edge as well as help to clear any fear or resistance that we may have around opening to be and receive happiness.
August 8th 2012