Angelic Guides and Archangels

7 minute audio meditations to help you connect with your Guides, Team, and Spiritual Advisers.

Changing of the Tides - Center, Peace, and Calm

Use this Cup to find peace, calm, and hold a centered stance in the tides of change.
Change is a constant process of an ebb and a flow. When you align yourself to the changing tide you move into greater peace, balance, clarity, and calm.

  • Take a few deep breaths into your belly. Gather all of your energy and awareness into this present breath of now.
  • Take a moment to imagine a higher vibrational presence encircling you, holding a safe and loving space for you to be in your process, whatever it may be. 
  • Take another deep breath in. Imagine an inner river of light that flows within you. Use your inhale, intent, imagination, and your Higher Self to pull yourself into your divine line.
  • Take a moment to recognize whether you are perceiving this change of time as an ebb or a flow. It is different for each individual depending on where you are in your process of growth. If you have a desire to withdraw and go deep within recognize that you are in an ebb. If there is an excitement, joy, and an expansiveness you are in the cycle of flow. Both are necessary. Neither one is better. They both create balance. When you surrender, embrace, and acknowledge the cycle you are in you move through it with more grace and ease.
  • As you determine which part of the cycle you are in at this time invite that energetic aspect of you to align your energetic system, grids, and ways of being to that cycle.
  • Activate the vibration of peace and calm in your divine line. 
  • Hold space for your own process.
  • Lift all of your attachment, energy, and creativity off of everyone and everything and back to your divine line. 
In every breath may you align to the cycle of the ebb or the flow with grace and ease, and model that in the world.


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