Angelic Guides and Archangels

7 minute audio meditations to help you connect with your Guides, Team, and Spiritual Advisers.

Shift the Energy in the Higher Realms for the Beings There

Help the beings in the other realms shift their energy. When you are in the physical dimension you have the ability to make a request in the physical realm for the energy to shift in another dimension. In the physical realm we have the density factor that makes the requests more potent. 


Use this cup to help the beings in the other realms move into greater connection, love, joy, and light. This actually helps you create more support for yourself in the world.

  • Connect with the appropriate beings in another dimension that you can help.
  • Hold space for them to share with you what they need.
  • Invite the sacred trinity (you, your body deva, and Team) to make the request for the energy in the higher realms to shift into greater coherence, balance, love, and connection.
  • Tones to assist the energy shift in another dimension.
  • Invite your Higher Self to make a request for the energy to shift in another dimension that you wanted to shift prior to your arrival in the physical realm.
Thank you for using your position in the physical dimension to shift the energy in the higher realms into greater states of connection, light, and love.


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Comments & Discussion

Lovely music and toning! Thank you.
August 30th 2015
This was such an honor to do! My mind is saying "what?", but some other part of me is saying "yes, with all my heart!" Want to do one a lot. Thanks
August 29th 2015
I LOVE this one so much I wanted it to never end !
August 28th 2015
Yes, toning and light language were awesome!
August 28th 2015
This is news to me about being able to support higher realms from the physical. I always thought it was the other way around. How empowering & Cool!
August 28th 2015
Exquisite toning and light language chant
August 28th 2015
It's my honor. Thank you for this divine cup Aleya, and for your loving service.
August 28th 2015
This is a great idea. Is there one we could do for earth/gaia also? I would love to offer healthy/appropriate support to earth and nature.
August 28th 2015
Sweet! Thanks~
August 28th 2015
Love this! Thanks!
August 28th 2015