Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Allow for a Deep Inner Rest, Stillness, Relaxation, and Integration

This Cup is all about resting and moving into stillness. Once you move into a place of stillness, rest, and relaxation, a deep inner re-calibration occurs. Use this gentle, soft, soothing Cup to find a realm where you can deeply rest, relax, and surrender into a deep inner stillness. If your outer life is busy this Cup can help you find a realm where you can be in stillness and rest regardless of your 3D reality.

  • Invite the Higher Self of you, your body deva, and Team to locate a dimensions where you can deeply rest, relax, and surrender into a deep inner stillness.
  • Activate the shapes, sounds, and light in this higher realm that will help you relax and rest.
  • Hold awareness in your divine line and activate the vibration of stillness in your inner light.
  • Rest in your light.
  • Tones to assist this higher dimensional relaxation and rest.
  • Imagine being in a place of stillness in a higher realm and allow for integration.
May you move with the energy of the moment.


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Comments & Discussion

Amazing. One of the most perfect, recalibrating and divine meditations EVER. THANK YOU. ❤️❤️
June 1st 2017
Thank you for your feedback. :)
June 1st 2017
AHHH rest yes!
June 1st 2017
absolutely lovely, perfect pacing, rich, full and received, beautiful tone, thank-you Aleya!
June 1st 2017
I feel so still right now. Thank you!
June 1st 2017
So sweet!
June 1st 2017