Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Amplify Freedom and Connection in Another Realm

Freedom comes from within. The stronger your current of inner freedom the more freedom you will have in all areas of your life. Use this Cup to amplify freedom, connection, vitality...

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Light language and toning to assist you in amplifying freedom.
  • Reference a dimension that holds the vibrations of freedom, flow, clarity, inspiration, and vitality.
  • Soul rider reference that realm.
  • Invite your body to reference a dimension where it is free and connected.
  • Invite your Teams to do the same.
  • Lift all of your reference points for freedom and connection off of others and finances and back to your divine cosmic loop.
  • Witness yourself in this other realm where you are free and connected.
  • Hold the awareness that in a higher realm you have the ability to be free and reflect that freedom to you here.

You never lose your freedom when you reference your freedom internally and in a higher realm and reflect that to yourself here.

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Comments & Discussion

So beautiful 😍 my heart is full and my soul is free. Thank you Aleya 💗
June 30th 2021
this was perfect timing - yesterday every time I went to meditate or disconnect from the daily challenges with care giving for my husband I was immediately interrupted with an emergency. I finally gave up, after 10 hrs. at 10pm and went to bed. This is a typical day for me now. Not even sure I actually connect achieved doing this meditation this morning because of the fatigue and stress I feel. Thank you
June 30th 2021
Loved the light language and music, which in itself felt very freeing.
June 30th 2021
I perceived the process of going into the safe space during the setup more than ever and also distinctly perceived the difference of me soul rider and my bod devas realms of where we feel free. So different and yet really feeling the freedom. So good. Thank you.
June 30th 2021