Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Bring In Your Next Incarnation In This One

Use this Cup to start a new chapter.  If you are feeling done...explore the idea that you have completed this incarnation and can now bring in a new incarnation in this one. This Cup is from an energetic support group I did. 

  • Feel into any areas of your life that feel done or complete.
  • Invite the Higher Self of you, your body, and Teams to reference a realm where you can sit with your guides and council and to activate all vibrations of all spiritual lessons of this current incarnation.
  • Invite your body and Teams to do the same.
  • Cultivate more inner gifts wisdom and mastery in your divine cosmic loop.
  • Allow for a completion and a reinvention.
  • Reinvent and recalibrate grids for a new path/chapter/journey.
  • Prep for your next phase with your guides and advisors.
  • Reflect those grids to you here.
  • Light language to help you reweave a new path, cycle, next incarnation in this one.

May you bring in your next chapter that matches your wisdom and mastery.

For greater support in this area, listen to my class about gentle transitions, death, holding space for yourself (in the right time) and for another to make a gentle transition.  A powerful, supportive, and empowering class.

Audio Sample


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Comments & Discussion

* The gentle transitions class was great - I know there is so much more to explore but it was incredibly helpful.
March 22nd 2021
This is what I've been trying to figure out for years now! As my old "life in this life" has wound down and I didn't know what to do. This is really brilliant, thank you.
March 22nd 2021
Mind blown...Yes to this!
March 17th 2021
You read my mind with this! Thanks! & Love!
March 17th 2021
This feels right for me. I look forward to more visioning. I feel like I am ready to turn the page and not necessarily do it by dying.
March 17th 2021
Calm Fortress
Powerful. Contemplative. Perfect for the Spring Equenox coming up. Carla
March 17th 2021
March 17th 2021