Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Let Go of the Old

Shifting can stress the body and create a clenching like sensation. The tearing sensation is the old world falling away and a new world coming into being. As this shift occurs it can stress the body and the spirit. It feels a bit like two tectonic plates separating. Surrender into the new energy and let go of the stress of holding on. Breathe and relax the jaw...

This meditation will assist you in letting go of the stress that happens when these huge shifts occur. This meditation has some deeper layers...allow yourself to drop in.

  • Bring all your energies into the present breath of now.
  • Feel inside for the pieces you are holding that you no longer need to hold onto.
  • Let go of the consciousness that does not support you.
  • Send that piece up to your higher self.
  • Release your body from having to shift that energy.
  • Create a new grid system that supports you. Bring in your new paradigm.
  • Let go of the old grid systems that are crumbling.
  • Connect with your divine line and access that inner support.

May you release the old paradigms with ease and grace.

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The Early Years
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