Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Move Into the New Mayan Year

The seventh day of the Mayan Year is a year that supports light and expansion. Increase your light quotient. Locate and bring in the new grids for expansion and light.


The second chakra crystal bowl and the songs of whales play in the background.

  • A time of light, expansion, and love.
  • Locate the girds of the New Mayan Year. The grids of light and expansion.
  • Let go of the grids from this past year. Release the fatigue and limitations and move into the expanded now.
  • Update your reference points and all ways that you receive.
  • Inhale the expansion and with the exhale ground the energy into all aspects of your being.
  • Use the whale song to ground in this expansion.

May your seventh day year be filled with joy and love.

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The Early Years
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Comments & Discussion

Betty Hartzler
I have heard that the Mayan New Year begins in July. Can you explain the difference?

Hi Betty, Please see the following link for information regarding the Mayan New Year. Thank you for your interest.
November 3rd 2010