Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Third Eye Clean, Align, and Calibrate for a Harmonic Dimension

This Cup is all about finding clarity and cleaning the third eye.

Use this one to clean your third eye and align it with harmonic dimensions that hold clarity, connection, and love.

When you perceive from a connected lens you create a connected reality. 

  • Hold your awareness in your divine line.
  • Invite the Higher Self of you, your body, and Teams to reference your third eye.
  • Bring in gentle sounds, color, and light to clean your third eye.
  • Hummm to clean your third eye.
  • Light language and toning to clean your third eye and then tones to align your third eye for harmonic dimensions.
  • Invite the Higher Self of you, your body, and Teams to align your third eye and all of your perception mechanisms for dimensions that are harmonic, connected, clear, inspiring, and empowering.
  • Reference the light that is streaming onto the planet as opposed to the discordant vibrations that are releasing.

May you perceive from a connected, clean, supported lens and model that as you move in the world.

How does this Cup feel for you?  Can you feel a clearing and a shift?

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Comments & Discussion

Oh how I love the vibe of these ones….where it began for me…..the beginning in Vegas on my patio with my beloved Mastiff…’s home for the holidays. With gratitude
November 22nd 2022
Felt soooo good thank you!!!
November 22nd 2022
Janice Sapphire
Thank you. ❤️🙏😇💞
November 22nd 2022
Love it. Love you. And my favorite song.
November 22nd 2022