Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Validate Yourself

Let go of the need for validation from others. Move into the stance of validating yourself. Increase self confidence. Let go of insecurity.

  • Locate all reference points for validation and bring those back to your higher self.
  • Lift your validation energy chips back to your core. 
  • Increase personal responsibility for your actions, thoughts, and words.
  • Reference point your essence as you move through the day.

After this meditation completes we invite you to stay in the energy of this meditation as long as you desire.


Audio Sample


The Early Years
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Comments & Discussion

Hi there! are you?

A handful of dailies are starting automatically and I know for me it creates a funny segue. I love clicking on to find out your theme and choosing when to partake. Yes, I can stop the meditation though it has a somewhat bending affect when it starts without my intention ( not that I never mind hearing your voice ! )
I do love these daily doses...thank you for being here in this world!
December 18th 2009