
All about the energy of this new cycle in 2018

This is a collection of Sips and a Cup all about the energy of 2018 with a protocol to help increase freedom.  The more inner freedom you hold the more free you will feel in all areas of your life.

The first Sip is all about the energy of 2018.

The second Sip is the energetic weather report video. Click Here to Watch the Video.

The third Cup is a short energetic protocol to help increase freedom. The more inner freedom you hold the more free you will feel in all areas of your life.


2018 is all about manifesting the outer desires, i.e. it is a time when your body can really step up to the plate, imagine, and create all that it has been yearning for. The more you hand over control to your body to manifest, the more the body can tap into its creative currents, and create that which it desires in a healthy, supportive, empowered way. 

May you deeply ponder how to move forward in this new cycle in a supportive and empowering way.


Audio Sample


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Comments & Discussion

Karen C
Hi Aleya, the second two sips don’t show up on the App. There’s no play button. Can you fix that?
February 22nd 2018
Loved hearing the energetic weather report for 2018, again. Thank you Aleya.
February 21st 2018
Wonderful. Thank you for your feedback. :)!!!!
February 21st 2018
Great info - very inspiring! And...freedom, yes!!! That is my #1 intention for this year.
February 21st 2018
Great to hear the energetic weather! The freedom protocol was wonderful!
February 21st 2018
Loving the waterfall of freedom!
February 21st 2018