Individual Meditations

Download individual daily cup of consciousness meditations by Aleya.

Retrieve Your Spiritual Power

This is an empowerment Cup! Retrieve your spiritual power from all Gurus, Teachers, Healers, and Guides, from all incarnations, and in all realms.

  • Invite all Gurus, Spiritual Healers, Teachers, and Guides as Ascended Masters to encircle you at the level of your Higher Self.
  • Invite them to return all spiritual power that they took, or you gave to them.
  • Invite your Higher Self to hold this power and responsibility at the level of your Higher Self where it empowers and supports you in a gentle and loving way.

May you feel a graceful empowerment deep within.

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Comments & Discussion

thank you so much!! I grew up in a really high-demand religion and this really helped me resolve quite a lot of the trauma from it and start taking my power back.
October 24th 2021
Energetically, this meditation was off the charts. Thank you Aleya!
February 19th 2013
WOW! Powerful and real, this one really hit home for me. I had been intensely involved with Elizabeth Clare Prophet and the "Teachings of the Ascended Masters" from age 21 through about 36, along with my five children. So this meditation is very healing for me personally. Thank you. ~Aine
February 18th 2013
I am hesitant to talk about it, bit I feel like I got this juicy "alive" part of myself back. It tingled through my body sort of circling around the abdominal. Ohhh, like a relief and an Ahhhhh. It makes me want to take up my walking stick and climb the mountain again. My Passion!!!! There it is! I had been feeling straggly empty and irritated and I am wondering if this is part of what I have been calling out for? Thank you. I am Humbled and in my Sweetspot once again. Yay!
February 18th 2013
There was an interesting 'kick' to that one. When I started listening I couldn't think of when I might have 'given away' my spiritual power...but when the meditation was over with I FELT that there was, indeed, something new there with me. I sat for quite a while feeling it and asking for guidance about what I can do with it now.
Looking forward to the Tall Cup tonight! Thank you Aleya and team! Kim
February 18th 2013