The daily meditations are 5 to 7-minute audio files that are delivered to your e-mail box each weekday morning.
In each audio file there are energetic protocols and sound healing that assist you in moving into greater states of peace, balance, and empowerment.
Receive A Complimentary 30 day Trial of the Daily and TALL Cup Meditations
Gift the gift of the Cups of Consciousness to yourself and up to 10 friends.
Activate your energetic intelligence.
Receive POTENT energetic healing and activations each day.
Stay in balance and gracefully evolve.
Increase clarity.
Increase inner peace.
Increase energy levels. Release fatigue.
Receive assistance in manifesting your dreams.
Move ahead in your life.
Be moved into a state of Grace every day!
Each meditation is unique.
"Feel" these meditations from the heart as opposed to the mind.
Listen to a sample daily meditation
The daily meditations help you stay energetically balanced, stabilized, and updated.
Each meditation activates energy and alignments that bring in a "new" way of being.
Think about the frustration of upgrading your computer.
Without guidance, a lot of experience, or knowledge, the upgrade can be confusing and frustrating.
The same is true for upgrading your life as you spiritually evolve.
The best spent five minutes of your day!
Click Here to Get Directions on how to access the daily mediations on your mobile device.
Sessions are recorded and available for download. Video and audio recordings as well as a transcript are available after the session to access online or download.
There are many "energetic layers" to every session. You can listen once or many times. Each time you listen you address a different layer. These sessions are often both "timely" and "timeless" - you can use them for greater energetic support as you feel guided.
SIGN UP for the Next TALL Cups of Consciousness Session
($18 for a 1-hour long energy balancing session, or $15 for a recurring subscription.)
Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness Sessions
ADDITIONAL SUPPORT: Free Meditations, Energetic Forecasts, Conscious Conversations, and more.
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