Aleya's Music and Toning

Listen to Aleya's music, sound healing, and light language songs.

Light Language Activation During an Inner Transformation

When we are in the middle of a deep energetic download and inner transformation we sometimes can use a bit of calm assistance. This Cup is a light language activation to assist the energetic download from a place of peace and calm. Release the need to know, and open to a deep inner transformation. 

Chant, do repetitive monotonous tasks, watch clouds float across the sky and surrender to a deep inner flow.




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Comments & Discussion

Feel better/lighter today, the heaviness has lifted, donot understand the heaviness, it is not always present durning the big downloads of the past. Enjoyed the TC, they are so helpful, yet so mysterious. Usually very sleepy after T.C.s, last nite could not sleep??? I know that it is all good, a bit puzzling at times, but, I release the need to know.:)
August 28th 2012
Hmmm.. I spent a bit of time yesterday afternoon watching clouds floating by in a stunning Pacific northwest sky.. more of the same is on schedule today :)
August 28th 2012
Good Morning Aleya and Team! The Tall Cups session last night was amazing and I will be listening to it again. I always hear something I missed the first time (or the second...)
Thank you too for the light language this morning to help us assimilate these (wonderful) energetic downloads!
August 28th 2012