Balance and Calm

7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help find balance, calm and connection.

Align the Spine

Use this Cup to align the spine and increase body support and flow internally so that it may be reflected in your outer world. This Cup can also decrease body pain and increase vitality.

  • Pull your energy and awareness into your divine line.
  • Invite your body deva to connect with its divine line that runs through the spine.
  • Invite your body to gently balance, clean, clear, and repair all of the crystalline structures within and around it's divine line.
  • Hold space for your body as it clean, clears, and repairs it's divine line.
  • Activate greater flow in the divine line of the body. Increase support, strength, balance, connection, calm, joy, love, creativity, passion, grace, empowerment, and discernment.
  • Invite your Higher Self to attach your divine line to the front of the spine. Snuggle in. Get grounded, connected, and present with yourself, and your body.
In each breath may your body move into greater inner strength and divine alignment.

The background music is from the song Gaia on my album Across the Meadow Sky.

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Comments & Discussion

This one, and the last tall cup is amazing, -on the spot for me. Thanks Aleya
November 15th 2018