Balance and Calm

7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help find balance, calm and connection.

Release the Self Critic, Self Doubt, and Sabotage

Use this triple shot to release the self critic and increase self love. Self doubt and sabotage might rise to the surface as you navigate a new energetic terrain. Do a "self perspective" reboot. See yourself through an empowered, connected, joyous lens.

  • Take a few deep breaths into your belly.
  • Energetically locate all thought forms, consciousness, and behaviors of the self critic.
  • Infuse the consciousness of self love, trust, grace, and acceptance into the areas where the self critique is held.
  • Clean and clear with tones.
  • Infuse a higher consciousness where the self critique used to reside.
  • Place a healing hologram of love around you, gently dissolving all vibrations of the self critique.
  • Energetically locate the consciousness of self love, trusting in a greater plane, allowing, and self acceptance.

May you gracefully release the self critic and move into self love.



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Comments & Discussion

Thanks for all three! I do need that support and to release the sabotage! Perfect timing for me:-)
July 9th 2015
This all was very supportive and timely as self doubt keeps rising in between. Thank you!
July 9th 2015