Balance and Calm

7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help find balance, calm and connection.

Spheres of Healing

Try to get into the NATURE!

Turn right with planet earth. (Not literally, just energetically.)

As we turn into the "right/coherent" energy, we unplug from the masses, release the fear, turn on our power, and let the vitality, balancing, healing, and juicy joy begin.

Unplug, unwind, rest, slow down, dream, and find the vibrational path that is heart focused, supportive, and gentle. Rest, find clarity, and heal with my favorite healing piece. 

Be in the "no mind, no thinking" space for a moment.  In that place of "spaciness" we have the opportunity to find the greatest clarity.

  • Tones to heal the revitalize the body

Let yourself be spacey. (But be alert while driving.)

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Comments & Discussion

Chas Woodley
You have such a wonderful range of notes, this one really resonated, thank you for my daily meditation.
October 7th 2011
Joan Powell
Amazing! Aleya, I want what you're having! You are so awesome. I am so honored and thankful to be working with you.

Thank you for all your healing Pearls.

Much Love.
October 7th 2011
Joan Powell
Aleya, this meditation is so different than all others. Can't seem to get enough of sends me and I feel so good after listening to powerful. This may be one the most powerful meditations ever. Of course it probably came at the perfect time for me, who knows. I will be having my clients listen to this when they are on the table.
As always, much love and gratitude.
October 7th 2011