
7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help find clarity in all areas of your life. Find direction and purpose.

Breathe Into Stillness

Move into stillness with this Cup to allow for a deep pause and a reset. Find the stillness and calm, breathe into stillness, and reset. This Cup is a bit different and requires more inner stillness. I recommend listening in silence with eyes closed and not behind the wheel. 

  • Close your eyes and imagine looking at your crown.
  • Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth.
  • Breathe in through the nose.
  • With your exhale breathe out the mouth making the sound of the "fire breath."
  • Breathe in holding your awareness on your crown.
  • Imagine light streaming in through the top of your head as you inhale.
  • With your exhale imagine breathing that light down through the core of your body into the heart of Earth.
  • Ground the light through your core.
  • We invite your Higher Self and your Body Deva's Higher Self and your Team to gently quiet and calm the energy of the mind.
  • Come into the simple cycle of the divine.
  • Energetically calibrate your ears for the sound of your essence.
  • Hold your awareness on your divine line, the river of light that flows down the front of your spine.
  • Continue your conscious breath until you feel the river of light within you.
  • Increase your base chakra and ground the light that comes in.
  • Sit in this breath of stillness as long as you desire.
May you hold peace and calm as you pause and deeply reset yourself.

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I loved the toning from those few years ago.....always soothing!
January 18th 2018