
7 min. audio meditations with energetic protocols and sound healing to help find clarity in all areas of your life. Find direction and purpose.

Find Clarity and the Wide Angle Lens

This protocol assists you to increase clarity by expanding your lens. Release the tension and get greater clarity. At certain times the stress levels can be high. When you find clarity, some part of you relaxes and you will find a deeper calm as you view the larger picture. 

This Cup is helpful after times of a deep inner release or when you or those around you are "energetically tight".

  • Energetically locate and clean all of the crystalline structures within and around your chakra systems and perception mechanism with the appropriate color, light, and frequencies.
  • Place healing holograms around the energetic ears. Clean, clear, and re-calibrate them to the appropriate dimensional realm.
  • Tones to clear the chakras and perception mechanisms.
  • Invite your Team to clean and clear all of the ways in which they perceive.
  • Invite them to bring all of their awareness into the appropriate dimensional realm.
  • Hold a gentle awareness as they shift themselves and move into greater awareness.
  • Balance all the energy centers and mechanism for perceiving information into connected consciousness.
  • Gather the information and clarity in a higher realm and reflect that to yourself here in this world.

May you find clarity as you see through a wider lens.

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Comments & Discussion

Both powerful cups this morning, the 2009 really brought a refreshing look on how we can perceive time and how we truly are timeless . I will listen again to 2nd Cup ☕️ to really feel that concept in my field. Thank you Aleya 🙏🐬
February 2nd 2017
Loved the imagination of looking back and then looking forward. It really is a great way to open the wide-angle lens! Also nice to hear your voice back in 2009. The sound of your recordings is so much better (technically).
February 2nd 2017
The 2009 cup is powerful very sweet! Love them both interesting enough I saw a very rar picture of a condor in Peru. Thanks Aleya!
February 2nd 2017
Wow amazing concepts of time past and future! I look forward to the clarity and wider lens on Saturday!
February 2nd 2017