Clean Spaces

Energetic protocol to help you clean your space.

Clean a Space You Will Be In By Connecting to the Nature Spirits in That Space

Use today's cup to clean a space that you will be in or are in at this time.

When you connect with the Nature Spirits in a space and invite them to amplify their essence, the space gets filled with magic. :)

This is a perfect process to do anytime you are on the road, staying in hotels, visiting friends, or going out to eat.

This can also be a powerful process that you can do for your home.

Invite the space you will be in shortly or currently to amplify harmonic vibrations.

  • Think of a space that you will be in shortly.
  • Invite the Higher Self of you, your body, and your Teams to connect with all of the Nature Spirits that are in this space.
  • Hold space for the Nature Spirits, devas, and elementals to fill their space with the qualities that they desire.
  • Share information with these Nature Spirits.
  • Witness these Nature Spirits into a more awakened state.

Invite the Nature Spirits to fill a space with more light , love, and magic.

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Comments & Discussion

So many good sips.It came at perfect timing.
July 25th 2023
Thank you Aleya, my cups runnith over with gratitude for your innate knowing of the energy weโ€™re surfing. ๐Ÿ“ก๐Ÿ’—
July 24th 2023
I love this idea!
July 24th 2023
Hi Aleya, thanks for this and the extra sips. Perfect and Very timely for me!
July 24th 2023
Powerful, cleansing, encouraging, empowering, and much needed. Very deep appreciation to Aleya and the Angelics.
July 24th 2023