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133. Total Relax, Release, and Inspiration TALL Cup [01/14/2019]

Total Relax, Release, and Inspired TALL Cup

January 14, 2019


Want more support, relaxation, a breath of fresh air, and a pinch on inspiration? This is the perfect TALL Cup for just that.


Deep, Powerful, Sweet, Rich, and Lovely

  • Clear old grounding mechanisms for soul rider and body deva
  • Body deva ground into the elementals of the nature kingdom
  • Steps for Grounding for the Body Deva Nature Spirit
  • Elements: Earth, Air, Water, Wood
  • Magical earthly energy
  • Soul rider, wherever your home is in the universe, is where you ground.
  • Pull energy into your divine line on the front of the spine
  • Soul rider and team reference the places that feel like home in some other realm
  • Ground into that realm in another dimension
  • Access all the resources of home in 1000x levels to account for dilution
  • Let some part of you be home while you are here
  • Open receptors there to receive resources
  • Reflect your resources to yourself here
  • Body Deva tap into resources that support your creative expression, passion and joy
  • Body Deva team members ground into your appropriate dimension that support the current level of consciousness of your body deva and soul rider
  • Steps for helping the body heal
  • Awareness. Identify the challenge.
  • Recognize something is going on. Could be something you are worried about.
  • Locate it
  • Work with one piece at a time
  • Recognize this is a body deva issue, not soul rider. Soul rider don’t over-identify with body.
  • Ask body questions based on what you, soul rider, are perceiving.
  • Look for body deva’s higher self to acknowledge.
  • Soul rider connect with any emotions body is experiencing
  • Ask body deva to determine whether this challenge belongs to it, or perhaps another body deva. If it is another body deva’s challenge, invite body deva to send information.
  • If the challenge does belong to your body deva, ask if it is the result of previous trauma that it has not activated the spiritual lesson from. Could even be other lifetimes.
  • If so, activate the vibration of the spiritual lesson in the debrief in the appropriate dimension. Clear all trauma, all fragments, bring in healing holograms around the traumatized area
  • Reflect healing to the present breath of now
  • Recalibrate the blueprints, update all grids
  • Update all reference points.
  • May take days to feel shift in physical realm
  • For current healing, use dimensions of sound, tones, color and light to reweave the issue in the blueprint in the etheric level and then reflect that to the physical realm.
  • Discern the body’s favorite healing modalities
  • Energetic Healing for Manifesting
  • Dissonance between soul rider, body and teams. You aren’t working together as a group.
  • Sit in council in the appropriate realm
  • Create a collaboration for the greatest happiness
  • Explore in dreamtime about what everyone wants and why
  • Let go of outgrown dreams
  • Reference where creative energy is moving in different directions
  • Evolve your dreams to speak to the desires as a group to empower collaboration
  • Craft a dream supported by resources and passion using the co-creative energies of the group in alignment with the group field
  • Let this sit in a higher realm for as long as needed, could be a month or two.

This session is supportive, empowering, and has 11 layers, which means you can listen 11 times if you wish, or just once. Your desires and intuition are your best guide. Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing. Allow for integration in dream time. 

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