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Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

179. New Moon Release and Receive TALL Cup [09/06/2021]

New Moon Release and Receive TALL Cup

September 6, 2021

Perfect for new beginnings.

release the old.

Bring in the new.

Very supportive.

Get out of the straight jacket of limitations.

Get out of the cage.

Find the freedom supported flow.

Be magic again!


  • Light is streaming onto the planet that transforms perceptions of disconnection and moves the energy into higher dimensions. Old ways of being are releasing. You are being taken out of a tight cage.
  • You may feel anxiety or elation, dizziness, insomnia, disorientation.
  • You may have an identity crisis with this reinvention of self.
  • Hold space as all dimensions of you are cleansing in this light. Releasing what doesn’t serve and embracing a more harmonic way of support.
  • Body Deva tends to hold onto the rigid and tight. Connect with the appropriate consciousness in the nature kingdom that help you release limitations. Bring in something 1000x more supportive. Reference the dimension where you can use the light coming onto the planet and coming from the Earth to dissolve old grids.
  • Body Deva use fear as vibrational fuel to clear discordant grids.
  • Orient to the release in every dimension to avoid confusion.
  • Body Deva use cleansing light to dissolve perceptions of disconnection not in alignment with the nature consciousness.
  • Soul rider, Body Deva and Teams reweave the consciousness of connection, beauty, love, support, bounty. Your authentic connection grids allow your gifts to land into your awareness.
  • Soul rider, Body Deva and Teams retrieve all vibrational gifts from all lifetimes when you gave them away to others. Clean, clear and reweave these gifts around your divine cosmic loop.
  • Body Deva and team sit in Earth council to be reminded of the bounty it holds inside itself.
  • Soul rider and team sit with the Galactic council to be reminded of essence.
  • Reference the aspects of you, your body and teams that are retrieving fragments. Retrieve fragments and responsibility. Activate spiritual lessons. Do these things in your debriefs at the end of each incarnation. Reflect this healing through the time spiral continuum to the present breath of now.
  • Move into the present moment in every dimension where you are expressing yourself.

This session is supportive, empowering, and has 15 layers, which means you can listen 15 times if you wish, or just once. Your desires and intuition are your best guide. Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing. Allow for integration in dream time.


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