Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

35. Heart, Dreamy, Ganesha TALL Cup [06/01/2013]

Open the heart for a new dreamy energetic terrain.

  • Release disorientation and confusion as we reorient from an external focus to an internal focus through our connection to the Divine Source.
  • Realign core crystalline structures that are held within every chakra system vertically within your own soul’s system.
  • Realign your Body Deva with the Divine Blueprint so that your body radiates its Divine Essence to fully express the evolutionary leap we are going through.
  • Clear the Body Deva of all ancestral codes to experience health and vitality.
  • Send information from your Higher Self to support Gaia’s evolutionary path.
  • Send information from your Higher Self to your Body Deva’s Higher Self to experience multi-dimensional realities while in physical human form.
  • Receive information from the Galactic Council that allows you to receive a unique bundle of information to support you to navigate in the new dreamy stream of heart energy we are moving into.
  • Receive information from Ganesha to master living with an open heart and bringing in new crystalline structures for the third chakra to shift perceptions of right use of power and control in the world.
  • Gain traction for moving forward in the new dreamy heart energies.
  • Set intentions in the higher realms during the period from June 1-8 to actualize your highest potential for joy and contribution.
  • Bring all reference points for trust off the external world and back to your Divine Line.

This session has 5 to 7 layers. Listen to it as many times as you wish. 

This session is not calibrated to induce fatigue, so that you can listen to it during the day if you wish.

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