Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

40. Move Into Higher Terrain TALL Cup [09/16/2013]

Move Into Higher Terrain TALL Cup

  • Release frustration, irritation,  impatience and anger as a mechanism to ground in the new energetic terrain.
  • Use the a new grid with the frequency of trust to ground into safety, protection in the new terrain.
  • Balance frequencies in the third eye to provide clarity in the new terrain.
  • Allow Body Deva to release fear of dying when moving into new terrain, learn to tolerate higher frequencies.
  • Balance and align timing components with listening mechanisms to increase flow, safety and sense of connection to guides.
  • Empower your body Deva to receive the opportunity to choose evolution with you, soul rider.
  • Release anger and judgment by creating and utilizing more psychic space in the new terrain. Create more breathing room for yourself, body Deva and team.
  • Create unique anodes for protection for the tunnel of light at the back of the neck.
  • Invite in the angelic “move in” crew to assist you to relocate your gifts, tools and mastery into new terrain for your utilization.
  • Increase self-confidence by believing in your own mastery, passion and purpose, restore the crystalline grids.
  • New terrain will help us attain intentions in more empowered abundant way.
  • Find your right and perfect space in the new terrain for you, your body Deva and team. Ground into new terrain with new energetic roots.
  • Harmonize timing, open lines of communication, move into a state of flow.
You can listen to this session 3 to 8 times. It has 3 to 8 layers. Listen as you feel called. 
There is a major dream time session work linked with this session as well. 
Which means you may feel a lot of work happening when you sleep after listening to this session. 

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