Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

53. Beauty Blooming Solstice TALL Cup [06/21/2014]

A very deep and supportive session. 
Release and Receive, Increase Clarity, Freedom, and Support
  • Use the energy of Mercury combined with the energies of the Sun to repattern your energies for higher vibrational ways of being
  • Reweave how you connect to your own spiritual power
  • Use energy and light from the sun to dissolve old ways of being
  • Connect with your essence as a spark of light in the heart of Source
  • Clear your third eye of frequencies of disconnection
  • Clear old ways of connecting to essence and source and receive your own unique connection mechanisms and blueprints
  • Infuse a higher light quotient into the third chakra
  • Open to receive our own unique message from the essence of the Sun.
  • Invite your Body Deva to activate your beauty support grids.
  • Clean and clear your energetic ears using the sounds of the sun to clear mechanisms of listening. 

The session has 16 layers. You can listen as many times as you feel called.

This is the most powerful TALL cups so far!

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