Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

74. Move into the Eye of Change and Support TALL Cup [08/31/2015]

Clear frustration, find clarity, and increase support in a BIG way.
  • Heal the feeling of being lost by energetically locating the eye of this change, this transformational current that we are in. Move into the eye to be levitated into a higher vibration.
  • Release anger and irritation from you and your body deva as a way to orient to the changes.
  • Allow your body deva to fully reclaim its power and ability to manifest all the resources you need for an abundant life and release that responsibility from all other levels of your being.
  • Reclaim your spiritual gifts, wisdom and mastery and unbind them so they are fully available to you in all appropriate levels of your being.
  • Re-orient your focus into the appropriate dimensions on all levels of your being and update your reference points.

There are 5 to 11 layers in this session. 

Which means you can listen 5 to 11 times if you wish. 

Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing.

Allow for integration in dream time.

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Comments & Discussion

I love how the cricket comes in just before you do light language and starts chirping away loudly and quits when you are done. He had to add his energy to the group and participate too!
September 6th 2015