Download Previous TALL Cups Sessions

Download previous TALL Cups of Consciousness sessions. 1hr long video and audio files for specific issues.

77. Owl Path TALL Cup [11/03/2015]

Clarity, Support, Body Healing, Empowerment

  • Connect with the Sacred Owl energy to assist you to find your way in the darkness.
  • Invite your body deva to connection with it team of nature spirits.
  • Recalibrate communication grids for greater light, love and connection and do a reboot for a higher dimensional way of being.
  • Send appropriate information from the future back to you here in the present to calibrate your heart and chakra systems to receive it in your own unique way that is empowering to you.
  • Release the struggle out of your energy fields using your mastery. Release the habits and grids you adopted from others and claim own your unique magic for living your life. Same for body deva.
  • Calibrate your energetic ears for the essence of the earth to feel a part of this world.
  • Calibrate your soul energetic ears and team’s energetic ears to your divine spark in the heart of source, your energetic home. This reflects down here to allow you to manifest and create your home.
  • Ask your body deva to discern imbalances in its physical body and energetic fields, then locate the appropriate dimensions where healing can occur, then open to receive those currents of healing in the physical dimension.
  • Heal perceptions of lack and victimization by identifying the broken loops where you are not completing and experiencing struggle. Then reconnect each loop so energy can run through the full cycle and activate the creative current.

There are 7 layers in this session. Which means you can listen 7 times if you wish. Each time you listen some part of your will receive a different layer, shift and healing. Allow for integration in dream time.

Audio Sample

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Comments & Discussion

this is a marvelous session, thank you very much!
November 4th 2015
Thank You!
November 3rd 2015